What is the “You Are A Star” Faith-Based Business Consulting and Mentorship Programs With J.Wool All About?
How does it work?
We’re inviting the Holy Spirit into our sessions and getting LASER clear on what God is asking you to bring forth into the world, or what directions you should go in personally, professionally and Spiritually.
The beauty of ALL of this, is that you are the STAR!
Whether it be a full blown 1:1 Mentorship for months at a time OR a pay by the hour consultation fee, it depends on how in-depth you and your business, or revamp in your life want to get to reach your ultimate goal!
You have access to tools, resources and more that I provide in session.
When and where do we meet?
We meet online weekly on Zoom Meeting in a monthly mentorship!
We pick a day and time that works for both of us by booking on my calendar to meet for 1.5 hours each week to discuss our goals together, prayerfully ask God His requests, let the Holy Spirit MOVE and keep moving forward in your new mapped out success!
If you need just 1 1:1 session please visit the Hot Seat Sessions with Jes page for more information on my one-off, 1:1 mentorship sessions.
Month-to-Month Mentorship Options Available or 3-6 month options available
Budgeting and Finances troubleshooting
Income generating Materials
Customer Relations
Mindset and Team Building
Event Strategy and planning
E-Mail Marketing and Strategy
and MORE!
Goal Setting
Business Models & Strategies
Services & Program Build-Outs
Brand Identity & Marketing Strategies
Social Media Marketing and Content Management
How Much is it?
Book A Free 30 min. Consultation to work out the finer details and see if we make a good fit first!
Then, you can decide if the mentorship is worth your cost, time , energy and availability.
If there are additional services that need to be added, they will be added at a discounted rate to make sure we are meeting your own business and personal goals!
Business Mentorship is paid on a month-to-month basis, depending on which avenue you choose and what we discuss at our initial consultation.
My goal is to help you grow, develop and scale in a new business venture, mentally, physically, Spiritually, and beyond!
I have tools, strategies and resources to help you achieve, believe and become the brightest shining Star God has created you to be!
Thanks for being interested and I hope to talk to you soon!
Contact us.
Sweet Home, Oregon
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
— Ephesians 2:10