We Are Stars, Not Squares:

How to be on Fire for Faith and Family

I was going through an extremely hard season in my life.
I had felt rejected by everyone: family, people I thought were my friends, my church family, even my kids and husband.
It was a really low point in our lives.
It felt like everything we had known was falling apart, turned upside down and was never going to be put back together.
Until one day, I was looking out onto the city in the daytime, and a bright purple jacaranda tree stood out to me from the mix of green leaves, palms trees and the brown chaparral on the mountain sides,
It was at that moment, I felt God come in and minister to me.

He said “there, that’s you, that beautiful bright purple Jacaranda tree amongst the sea of green.
You’re standing out, the way I created you.
Those places that you're grieving and feel rejected, I don’t want you there anymore.
I’m setting you apart, the way I created you to be," and he said,
"You’re breaking off generational curses and chains leaving these old places, and things that don’t serve who I’ve called you or your family to be.
So why are you worried about what other people are doing or saying about you if they didn’t create you or have a plan for you like I do?
You are a STAR he said to me, STAND OUT and live out loud!" He said, "because you already know how precious and short life is and not many people know or feel as deeply as you!"

And at that moment my whole being changed, and I felt even more ON FIRE!
I realized how important it was to live out loud and to be bold and fire for Christ and he needed me to tell my story.

So I did! I wrote this book and built this brand to remind everybody that life is short and it is precious and God does have a plan for us! He created us so beautifully and uniquely and HE NEEDS us to live out loudly for HIS purposes! There are no mistakes. You are not a mistake.

God took that message of "We Are Stars" and has been elevating it ever since. And now we get to live loudly and boldly as a neurodiverse family and sometimes that means doing and being totally different and against how “normal” people are living. It takes courage to raise a neurodiverse family and be ok with giving and supporting our kids and their needs and me and my husbands needs right along side it because it goes against what society and even sometimes what religious people say makes good parenting, and raising a solid, Christ-like family.

"We Are Stars, Not Squares," is living outside the norm and being ok with showing that you are unique and different and that it’s ok to be artsy and creative and to go out and execute what God has put inside of you for ONLY YOU to live out and do or be, the way God intended for YOU!

This book is a testimony. A testimony that no matter where you came from, what you did in the past and no matter where you are going, God is with you. He sees you, He loves you! And He just wants you to cry out to Him, listen to Him and Trust Him with everything you have.

And I share some principles on how I currently live my life to STAY ON FIRE for Faith and Family.

God bless,

Jes Woolman

Coming Soon

  • It’s for ages 18+. It tells my personal story of overcoming dark, hard time and into Gods glory. The beginning of the story is not kid friendly, and parents may not want their teens exposed to certain sensitive topics.

  • It all begins with a prayer. If you’d like me to pray with or for you, at any time, please cotact me at jeswoolman@gmail.com.

  • No. As a matter of fact, as you’ll read in this story, I was saved by Grace and was made a new creation, and so was our little family.

  • Yes! As a matter of fact there will also be a journal, a book about marriage and health coming your way in the very near future! But in the mean time, stay up to date by following my social media pages @jwool.biz

